Is the West Ready for Tantra?
In this episode, author and Embodied Philosophy faculty, Andrew Holecek, is in conversation with Stephanie Corigliano and Jacob Kyle, as they discuss Andrew’s article, “Is the West Ready for Tantra?” an article released in the latest issue of Tarka.
Is Academia a Religion?
In this episode of the Tarka Journal Podcast, Stephanie and Jacob speak to colleague and friend, Marcy Braverman Goldstein about an article she wrote for the Scholar-Practitioner Issue of Tarka, titled "Is Academia (Like) a Religion?" Marcy challenges the ideological conformity of modern academia and encourages a new space of intellectual activity outside the modern university.
What’s Art Got to Do with It?
Stephanie and Jacob are joined by Tarka Journal Art Director Ryan Lamere to discuss why art is so important to Tarka. We also discuss the relationship between creativity and spiritual practice, some of the history behind the art in Tarka, as well as sharing some of the challenges we've encountered along the way.
Death, Devotion & Dreams, Oh My!
In the second episode, we go behind the scenes of the existing Tarka Journal issues. We talk about the scholar-practitioner, bhakti, illusion, ecology, queer dharma, virtual reality, death and much more, never mincing words as we pontificate wildly about current personal and cultural concerns that inspire the Tarka Journal Project.
What's a Tarka?
In our first episode, Stephanie and Jacob talk about the why behind Tarka, what the intentions of the project are, and they also speak a little about the history of working together and how much this project means to them. This episode is a glimpse behind the scenes, and we hope the podcast in general will encourage a sense of community and conversation around the topics explored in the Tarka Journal.